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See size guide
Shipping and returns
Our shippings are free of charge! We ship to: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Scotland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (mainland and Balearic Islands), Estonia, Finland, France, Wales, Greece, Hungary, England, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania , Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania and Sweden.
Other countries contact
-Spain (mainland and Balearic Islands) and Portugal: 24/48h.
-Other countries: 3 to 6 working days.
Transit times are estimates and may vary depending on external factors we cannot control, such as weather conditions, strikes, etcetera.
Of course! Lola Cruz wants you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. When you receive your order, if the size doesn't fits you, you have 14 days for a exchange for free.
In order to do the exchange please contact and indicate the order number, the model that you want to exchange and the new size that you wish.
To proceed with the exchange the following requirements must be met:
-Shoes should not have been used. They should have been tested on a carpeted surface.
-Shoes must be returned unmarked, in their untouched original box and bag. Otherwise, the exchange might not be accepted.
-They should not spend more than 14 days since you received the product.
-The outer packaging must have the same dimensions as the original one.
-Written confirmation from our part to do the exchange requested.
The exchange is subject to stock availability, if we don't have the size you want, we will let you know when it will be available. In the event that you are not satisfied, you can request a refund.
When you request the exchange, we will send a carrier to the original purchase address to pick up the package. The carrier will label it correctly. If you were not at the indicated address, a second collection will be done the next business day. If it fails, a free exchange will not be possible.
Lola Cruz will not accept COD packages.
Free size exchange will apply only once and exclusively to exchanges in size of the same model.
It is only possible to make exchanges of products purchased in our online store. Lola Cruz products purchased in other establishments should be exchanged to the store from which they were originally purchased and should be subject to the return policy of the retailer.
Should you need our help, you can find us on + 34 96 321 31 12 during office hours (Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm) or send an email to We will be happy to assist you.
If you are not satisfied with our product, you can return it to us within 14 days of purchase.
In order to request a refund please contact and indicate the reasons for your return, the order number and the model that you want to return.
-You will have to pay for the postage and packing. Shipping Address: NAVIMA CALZADOS SL. Parque Tecnológico. Charles Robert Darwin 28. 46980 Paterna (VALENCIA - SPAIN).
-Written confirmation from our part to do the return requested.
The refund will be processed to the original method of payment (credit card or PayPal). Once the return has been processed, you will receive the amount to the original method of payment. Your return will be accepted within 5 working days, from reception date of the package in our warehouse. Depending on the credit card company, it may take additional days after the credit is applied for it to post.
Return shipping costs are the customer's responsibility. We cannot accept COD packages. We recommend that you send your return via certified mail.
It is only possible to make returns of products purchased in our online store. Lola Cruz products purchased in other establishments should be returned to the store from which they were originally purchased and should be subject to the return policy of the retailer.
Latent defects coming from the manufacturing process can sometimes be detected after use. Understandingly, articles damaged by everyday use, wear and tear, cannot be qualified as defective articles.
Should you identify any latent defects within the first 6 months after receipt of the article, please contact Please send us a precise description of the problem with pictures when possible. In case of manufacturing defects we will provide home pickup services.
The acceptance of a defective product will be granted after prior consultation with our inspection technicians at the warehouse.
In case of defective products we will proceed to repair them. If this were not possible, it will be replaced by an equal size. We will only proceed to full refund of the purchase price should the article be non repairable or non replaceable.
All the articles follow and comply with strict quality control procedures to prevent from defects or damages prior to deliveries.
Should you receive articles with poor conditions of state , please contact us immediately.
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